Well...they're not exactly awesome..(except..maybe me...)but after all.. they're my best friends..and we're not the happiest lot of people..but i guess we're handling life pretty well......u can't exactly catergorize us into any particular group..u know...we aint the "cool" ones...neither the jocks...nor the super geeks...we're jus people form different strands of life who've teamed up to tackle our miserable lifes together....before i start describing all of them..(more on the lines of publicly humilating them..)i'll start off on how our friendship is...there is nothing much to say...but the most prominent factor that stands out conspicuosly is that ...well..i don't know how to make it any cleaner than this but...We clearly bitch about each other to the very next person to meet...obviously...u can't deny it.. can u??? just because I brought it out on paper ..doesnt mean its not the truth is it???but the best part of our friendship is..despite all our flaws and all the shit we've put each other through..we're there for each other at the end of the day..no matter what....
hmm..so whose life should i make miserable first???..well..i guess i'll go in alphabetical order...

So..there is Abhijith.....tall...handsome..(only he thinks of him that way..)..and a really fun person altogether..even though my attempts of trying to teach him English had miserably failed...but in the end of the day i'm sure he can stand on his own two feet flaunting a few English words here and there....:)...most of all ..he's the one who'll always be there when we really need someone for support...

Anupa!!!!!!need i say anything about her??????who doesn't know her for her brilliant acting as Emilia in Othello...and her disproportionate figure...man have I tried to turn her into a woman or at least close to a human being...and i guess my attempts are working...Well..more importantly... everything bad in the world keeps happening to her...(don't even think about..i haven't done any voodoo shit on her..).I mean..who the hell gets almost suspended for bringing a "chessboard"..and yes you heard me right..a chessboard to school???well..my explanation for all the shit that's been happening to her is that she was a warlock who used to kill a lot of frogs.. in her previous life..and so..i guess she pays the price now ....

Then there is Archana..although she has left our group..I'm sure she'll always be there in our hearts...(She's not dead.. touch-wood...She's just couldn't stand Kerala and moved off to Calcutta..)well...she's the most sweetest thing I've ever met in my life and I'm pretty sure that there ain't one person in school who hates her....well except for me..once...for a short period of time..maybe a few years..(just read my blog about her and u'll get the picture..)

Then comes Kuruvilla....need i humiliate him more than what i did in my last blog.??.but i must say..he's a good guy and an awesome friend...he possesses a special skill of somehow knowing the presence of a haute girl even if she's a mile away!!!!He had come all the way from Delhi..(having his fair share of girls there..)in search of new specimens but was sadly disappointed cuz the girls of kerala.....unlike the dumb ones in Delhi...cud kick his ass big time!!!so..i guess he's getting used to the idea of settling down to the status "single"...:)....
Then there's Megha...she's not what u wud call dumb..more along the lines of .."doesn't realize her presence on earth"....or what we malayalis can say as a lack of "bodham"...but she's one heck of a girl....totally fun!!!!sooo into the colour purple..(one of the reasons why i love her!!!!)..and doesn't exactly take no for an answer....she's more like a kid..really attracted by colors...one of the reasons why she turned down the iPhone and got herself the Samsung Corby..:)..
Next comes Nikhil....well...we started off on the wrong track with him having a huge crush on me...but the minute he understood the "real,self obsessed, obnoxious" me...well..he decided he thought wrong..so..everything was back on track...He's a real sweet guy...who loves soap operas as much as every girl next door.....whose had his fair share in video games,gadgets and what not..He's not really a talker and believe me we hardly detect his presence....i guess..its cause he likes to keep to himself....but besides that..he's one great guy who we can proudly call "friend"....
Next on the list is none other than Seba..the fashionista of our group...whose had a fair share in every type of clothing...(double quoting "every"...)..she has big plans for herself.....become someone like Manish Malhotra..and hold a brand under her name like Gucci..or Prada.....I guess she also has plans of pursuing a modelling career but sadly can't cause of her height..but i say...don't lose hope..Anupa will definitely have a solution for it the minute she's graduated out of MIT.....:)..... and moreover ..shes a fabulous dancer...in a nutshell..she's just multi talented...(except for the part where she doesn't get a word of math, physics or any of the "studies" related crap..but who needs it anyways..especially when your gonna be a world renown fashion designer???)..

Then there is chota Vishnu....stressing on the "chota" part cause he's really really short...no offence...but man is he one heck of a genius....he's what we can call the "bhujji" of our group...and he really works his ass off to retain that name....he's what you'd call an ideal friend....caring loving..always being there for you...and presumably the only one that doesn't bitch about the rest of us.....

well..last but still the most awesomest...."ME"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!As i have already mentioned..i'm a little self obsessed,,(okay..a LOT!!!) ...really obnoxious...more like the average teenage drama queen....i love makeup...and shopping ...and i guess almost everything in the world...it wouldnt be fair to the world if i called myself sweet...or caring ...or loving..cause i guess i'm not...but i'm still awesome!!!so i guess i can settle for that...:P....
so...this is our gang...we've all got our flaws....but the awesome bit of our realtionship is that we look past our differences..and keep doing what we do best.."being there for one another..."..
anyways...the results will be out in a few days..and then we'll go our separate ways..and i can't assure we'll all keep contact..but knowing we touched each others hearts for a brief period of time..I think.. itself is a big deal....
So..good luck guys...miss u much.....
hmm..so whose life should i make miserable first???..well..i guess i'll go in alphabetical order...
So..there is Abhijith.....tall...handsome..(only he thinks of him that way..)..and a really fun person altogether..even though my attempts of trying to teach him English had miserably failed...but in the end of the day i'm sure he can stand on his own two feet flaunting a few English words here and there....:)...most of all ..he's the one who'll always be there when we really need someone for support...
Anupa!!!!!!need i say anything about her??????who doesn't know her for her brilliant acting as Emilia in Othello...and her disproportionate figure...man have I tried to turn her into a woman or at least close to a human being...and i guess my attempts are working...Well..more importantly... everything bad in the world keeps happening to her...(don't even think about..i haven't done any voodoo shit on her..).I mean..who the hell gets almost suspended for bringing a "chessboard"..and yes you heard me right..a chessboard to school???well..my explanation for all the shit that's been happening to her is that she was a warlock who used to kill a lot of frogs.. in her previous life..and so..i guess she pays the price now ....
Then there is Archana..although she has left our group..I'm sure she'll always be there in our hearts...(She's not dead.. touch-wood...She's just couldn't stand Kerala and moved off to Calcutta..)well...she's the most sweetest thing I've ever met in my life and I'm pretty sure that there ain't one person in school who hates her....well except for me..once...for a short period of time..maybe a few years..(just read my blog about her and u'll get the picture..)
Then comes Kuruvilla....need i humiliate him more than what i did in my last blog.??.but i must say..he's a good guy and an awesome friend...he possesses a special skill of somehow knowing the presence of a haute girl even if she's a mile away!!!!He had come all the way from Delhi..(having his fair share of girls there..)in search of new specimens but was sadly disappointed cuz the girls of kerala.....unlike the dumb ones in Delhi...cud kick his ass big time!!!so..i guess he's getting used to the idea of settling down to the status "single"...:)....
Then there is chota Vishnu....stressing on the "chota" part cause he's really really short...no offence...but man is he one heck of a genius....he's what we can call the "bhujji" of our group...and he really works his ass off to retain that name....he's what you'd call an ideal friend....caring loving..always being there for you...and presumably the only one that doesn't bitch about the rest of us.....
well..last but still the most awesomest...."ME"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!As i have already mentioned..i'm a little self obsessed,,(okay..a LOT!!!) ...really obnoxious...more like the average teenage drama queen....i love makeup...and shopping ...and i guess almost everything in the world...it wouldnt be fair to the world if i called myself sweet...or caring ...or loving..cause i guess i'm not...but i'm still awesome!!!so i guess i can settle for that...:P....
so...this is our gang...we've all got our flaws....but the awesome bit of our realtionship is that we look past our differences..and keep doing what we do best.."being there for one another..."..
anyways...the results will be out in a few days..and then we'll go our separate ways..and i can't assure we'll all keep contact..but knowing we touched each others hearts for a brief period of time..I think.. itself is a big deal....
So..good luck guys...miss u much.....
i love it!!!...dont worry we all will be in contact...if not i will make them :)...will miss all of u...mmmuuuaaahhhh...
ReplyDeleteBAE!!THIS IS AWESUM!!!N WELL.am bad at commenting.especially wen i am askd to comment..so me wil think n comment k??
ReplyDelete:D Goood one!!!!
ReplyDeletehey sofia...this is jus superb....ya u al keep in touch...........n yeah u're compltly ryt abt vrytinj.........cool...hats off.............