Monday, May 16, 2011

The Pain in My Ass....

Meet Stevan...My younger brother..renown for his lame jokes and for being a pain in the ass...Even though he's 2 years younger than me, we're treated with equal respect in the family (translation:2 totally out of control teenagers goin thru puberty and whose "feelings" adults jus don't get..)And with no surprise...we fight like crazy..It was like WWF before and rite now that doesn't seem like solution (for me anyways..) to resolve our problems, so we've stuck to verbal actions includin the old rookie method of blackmail...

And abt carin' and lookin' out  for each other like normal brothers and sisters..well....PSSHH!!!!!Not even over our dead bodies is that ever gonna happen....these sort of things jus don't happen btwn ppl who even  divide the last skittle to the very last nanogram....But i gotta admit...Im aalways the one who picks the fight....I don't mean to do it intentionally (maybe a lil'...but that's not the it????)'s jus that my inherited skill of controlling any human who is smaller than me take over and before i know he's down on the floor begging for these are just memoirs of an out of control ,drama queen ....:-(...

Now i just live a very sadistic life...why???cause my brother's over 6 feet tall and I'm like this puny little leech that just wont get off his back....why God???why??did u have to change my puny gay brother into a much larger gay brother?????? the only way to get back in the game is by learning some sort of mind controlling sutra...and well...after that...i'll be back to being the most evilest sister ever !!!!!!muhahahahahaha......

P.S. I'm not sure my evil plan of taking over the world oops...only my brother....will take place cause i'm off to college...but beware stevan...i do have an undercover spy...just wait...muhahahaha....


  1. Ha Ha Ha.. Hilarious one Sofia...

    I remember him as this puny kid and now look at him... He might gently nudge us and we might go flying .. :P

  2. hahah...... as always.... great going sofia...!!! continue wid dose EVER-SO-AWESOME-AND-LAME FIGHTS.... as always.. :D :D

  3. sometimes being so jobless.. can make us come up wid such good blogs:P
    thumbs up, sofia!:)
